PPPs for COP27 & Beyond
Join APMG at the WAPPP Annual Congress 2022 on the 17th of June
WAPPP are a multi-stakeholder network bringing together public-private partnership professionals from PPP units, infrastructure agencies, long term investors and PPP consultants from around the globe together, to learn from each other and create better PPPs that deliver value for the future.
WAPPP will be partnering with APMG on the 17th of June (day 5 of the congress) to host a free virutal event. Day 5 will focus on "Looking forward to COP27 and WAPPP awards."
APMG will be providing an overview of our PPP, climate-resilience and Infastructure Business Cases certifications, all of which are supported by free learning resources. We will also detail the potential impact of better qualified people in key roles. Join us for an informative and thought provoking experience.
More about our Public-Private Partnerships Certification Program
Building APMG Certified PPP professionals to tackle infrastructure challenges
The APMG PPP Certification Program is an innovation of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the World Bank Group (WBG) and part funded by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) with a shared vision of enhancing PPP performance globally. CP3P is the definitive credential to demonstrate to your peers that your abilities are aligned with international PPP good practice.
To learn more about our PPP certification program click here.