APMG had the opportunity to chat with first ever successful candidates to have completed the Preparation exam of APMG’s PPP Certification course from our ATO in Korea - P3Korea, thus getting closer to achieving the coveted CP3P credential. Find out more about their experience and how they intend to use their knowledge in advancing their professional life.
Here we have, Ms. Joo Eun (Jener) Jeung, a specialist in Project Financing and Vice President of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Seoul, Korea.
and Mr Jon-Il Eum, Director of Dong - A Steel technology Company Ltd.
1. What's your future dream as a certified PPP expert?
Joo Eun (Jener) Jeung
After passing the Preparation exam of APMG’s PPP Certification program, I feel that I would like to continue the study of PPP, especially in relation to ethical investment / ESG standard and climate change. I am interested in these areas because Sustainable Development is an important agenda in our world today and because I believe PPP plays a role in these areas. In the long term, I’d like to work in providing PPP and project finance education to help produce the next generation of PPP experts who would together achieve Sustainable Development of the world through their projects.
Jong -Il Eum
When I decided to study the PPP Guide and further take the PPP exams, I assumed several scenarios for my future career i.e. to get a job in an international organization or multi-lateral development bank such as PPIAF, ADB, etc, or to remain employed in a private company as a PPP business development specialist. As I’ve proceeded with this program, I became more interested in the former scenario. The process of studying and taking a PPP specific course and exam has helped me gain a better understanding of how best I can implement it in my professional life.
2. Give us some thoughts into how you prepared and passed the PPP Preparation Exam?
Joo Eun (Jener) Jeung
I studied the APMG PPP Certification Guide which is an essential material for the exam. Attending classes at an ATO (P3Korea) was also very helpful for me. In addition, personally I was able to draw on my real-life experience as a PPP practitioner and to consolidate my knowledge based on such experience plus the written study materials.
Jong -Il Eum
As simple as it would be, no guaranteed or royal way to succeed in the exam. I tried not to just read but to understand the implied meaning of various concepts in the text books. I recommend candidates who want to pass the exam to invest significant amount of time and effort in researching and referring to relevant data during the preparation for both Foundation and the Preparation exams. It will be of great help.
3. What do you expect from the network of the international CP3P community once you have established yourself?
Joo Eun (Jener) Jeung
I think it would be helpful if the community members can share their experience (to the extent permitted by their confidentiality obligation, of course) in a particular country or sector, among themselves (on one-to-one basis, or through case study articles / seminars), so that members can keep expanding their PPP knowledge by mutual cooperation and apply such expanded knowledge towards resolving difficult problems and successfully closing their live projects.
Jong -Il Eum
I expect the so-called CP3P Community to play an important role in developing infrastructure worldwide, especially in EMDE countries, as a specialized entity equipped with PPP expertise. Also, it could be a core communication path between the ones who want to develop, who want to finance and who want to construct.
4. Do you think PPP knowledge and practice could be important resources for the development of infra-structure in EMDE countries?
Joo Eun (Jener) Jeung
Absolutely. Particularly, in view of the high demand for new infrastructure in EMDE countries that is forecast for the coming decades, I think it is essential to develop well-trained PPP professionals in sufficient numbers in-order to prepare and execute the projects in pipeline successfully. Therefore, the role of CP3P training and certification in fulfilling the infrastructure development goal of EMDE countries around the world would be very important.
Jong -Il Eum
Yes, I agree that the PPP knowledge and its practice is key to the development of infrastructure in EMDE countries. It is especially in these EMDE countries that governments find it difficult to secure necessary funding and match it to the ever-increasing infrastructure needs. Considering the dynamic economic growth in EMDE countries, the need for new infrastructure often grows exponentially but possibly without enough funding source. PPP could be an excellent substitute for the traditional tax-funded procurement and the governments should be well prepared with PPP knowledge for success.
5. What would you recommend aspiring PPP Professionals regarding APMG’s PPP Certification Program?
Joo Eun (Jener) Jeung
Given the forecast demand for new infrastructure as mentioned above, I think the CP3P certification has been introduced at an appropriate time and that it would be a highly relevant qualification for many years in the global PPP market. Therefore, I would recommend aspiring PPP professionals to make the effort to obtain this valuable certification. In my opinion, the PPP knowledge would be beneficial especially to government officials in countries with little PPP experience but ambitious infrastructure development programs.
Jong -Il Eum
We are in the middle of a transition period, I believe, from the long-lasting design-bid-build practice to a more innovative and flexible procurement system, PPP. Currently PPP occupies about twenty-five (25) per cent of overall global infrastructure projects and it has the potential to surely grow to a significantly higher level. It’s the right time to get involved in this CP3P program.
You can find more information about P3Korea on their website www.p3korea.com
For more information on the PPP Certification Program Guide click here
For more information on the PPP Certification Program click here.