Benson Poon shares his thoughts on the PPP Guide and how he took the PPP exam as a stepping stone to getting involved with real Public-Private Partnership Projects.
1. What first prompted you to a career in public private partnerships?
I believe soon; PPP will be the leading procurement route for the infrastructure in Hong Kong.
2. Can you give us a background on your (PPP) job role emphasising on the PPP sector that it is related to?
Unfortunately, I have not yet been involved in any PPP project. I am looking for such golden opportunities.
3. What prompted you to get certified, how did you hear about APMG’s PPP certification program?
From my friend who is now working on PPP projects in UK and has taken the PPP exam.
4. Take us through your thought process while deciding to get certified.
Having been practicing as a professional quantity surveyor for several years, I have become a bit bored with the traditional quantity surveying work. When I heard the PPP certification programme, I was excited by such opportunity for me to step into the real PPP projects.
5. Why did you chose APMG’s PPP certification program and how did it help? You could include some details regarding the PPP Certification Guide that was a fundamental reference material for this certification.
I was impressed with the PPP certification guide which is easy for non-PPP practitioners like me to comprehend the principles and application of PPP. That’s why I chose APMG’s PPP certification programme.
6. What are your key strengths and how have you used them in your current PPP role?
My strength is procurement strategy formulation, contract structuring and tendering. I believe such strength can ensure good value of money resulted from the PPP.
7. What characteristics and skills do you think make a better PPP professional or a successful one?
He or she must be an open-minded person and a good team player.
8. What is next in line for you, how are you planning to utilise the knowledge gathered from doing the Foundation and Preparation exams of this PPP Certification Program?
My next goal is to complete postgraduate diploma programme in accounting. After reading the PPP certification guide, I realize that accounting knowledge is necessary for a good PPP practitioner.
9. What is your advice for newcomers or other PPP practitioners on helping deliver successful projects in the PPP world?
Read the PPP certification guide and journals related to PPP.