• Blog posts
    Wednesday 19/01/2022

    What if Mother Nature came to the table?

    Stakeholders are described as ‘those groups and individuals who can affect, or are affected by the achievement of an organization’s (project’s) purpose’. This definition vividly limits stakeholders to human beings. Therefore, the natural environment is excluded from the definition even though it is most affected and affects sectors like construction or infrastructures. By externalizing and alienating the Mother Nature we close our eyes on what is ahead for she might be silent now but as steady... READ MORE
  • Blog posts
    Wednesday 19/01/2022

    What if Mother Nature came to the table?

    Stakeholders are described as ‘those groups and individuals who can affect, or are affected by the achievement of an organization’s (project’s) purpose’. This definition vividly limits stakeholders to human beings. Therefore, the natural environment is excluded from the definition even though it is most affected and affects sectors like construction or infrastructures. By externalizing and alienating the Mother Nature we close our eyes on what is ahead for she might be silent now but as steady... READ MORE
  • Blog posts
    Wednesday 19/01/2022

    What if Mother Nature came to the table?

    Stakeholders are described as ‘those groups and individuals who can affect, or are affected by the achievement of an organization’s (project’s) purpose’. This definition vividly limits stakeholders to human beings. Therefore, the natural environment is excluded from the definition even though it is most affected and affects sectors like construction or infrastructures. By externalizing and alienating the Mother Nature we close our eyes on what is ahead for she might be silent now but as steady... READ MORE