APMG International and Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation (SIF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the APMG PPP Certification Program.
SIF, a not-for-profit Swiss foundation headquartered in Geneva, coordinates the provision of SOURCE, the multilateral platform for quality infrastructure, it is now aligned with the APMG PPP Guide on project preparation, facilitating public agencies to take sound decisions and better allocation of resources.
The standardized templates available on SOURCE include the APMG PPP Guide’s best practices across all project preparation stages in tooltips and checklists. While SOURCE is a multilateral platform regularly updated with the latest international best practices, it can be adapted to local regulatory contexts and connected to existing country-specific management information systems.
By participating in an APMG PPP Certification Program and using SOURCE as a mechanism to prepare the case for sustainable infrastructure projects, public sector officials will obtain the following benefits :
Increased likelihood of developing and implementing a successful PPP program that delivers the right projects effectively and efficiently, providing Value for Money solutions for social infrastructure needs, and measuring progress on the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement via the SOURCE platform.
Facilitated access to global investors on SOURCE following internationally recognized best practices as set out in the PPP Guide, including the UK's Five-Case model, OECD’s PPP principles, IaDB's Sustainable Infrastructure Framework and the Global Delivery Challenges. Enabling governments to attract private sector participation in their PPP programs, while achieving Value for Money with a positive impact on society and the environment;
Reinforced knowledge transfer to public officials and their advisors from a vast pool of international PPP experience, and by sharing lessons-learned amongst organizations using the SOURCE platform.
Easier access to technical assistance from Multilateral Development Banks and affiliated international organizations via the “PPF Finder” functionality on SOURCE
Improved quality of project preparation thanks to the “Consistency Checks” functionality and the Global Infrastructure Hub (GIH)’s “PPP Risk Allocation Tool” embedded in SOURCE.
“PPP investors, financiers, construction companies, infrastructure operators, as well as advisors and consultants will also benefit from an appropriate understanding of infrastructure requirements in emerging markets via the SOURCE public pipeline once information is published by governments,” says Pierre Sarrat, Chief Operating Officer, SOURCE.
“This is a great partnership. APMG’s PPP Certification Program and the SOURCE platform will improve the capability of governments to fill the global infrastructure gap, not only by empowering public officials and their advisors to develop efficient and sustainable PPPs, but also by promoting private sector understanding and confidence in PPP programs, especially in developing economies,” says Richard Pharro, CEO, APMG International.
The PPP Certification Guide identifies the underlying principles and good practice elements that are applicable in most circumstances for emerging markets and developing economies, while recognizing local variations.
About the PPP Guide
The PPP Certification Guide is an innovation of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the World Bank Group (WBG) and part funded by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) with a shared vision of enhancing PPP performance globally.
Since the inauguration of the scheme in June 2017 over 5500 candidates from 125 countries have taken an APMG PPP Certification Program exam. One of the main goals of the program is to share best practice knowledge and make it freely available to everyone. The PPP guide is now available in eight languages to make it accessible to even more PPP practitioners.
Over 2 million visitors have downloaded or accessed the PPP Guide online, which uses principles and models to convey knowledge across a range of subjects including planning and funding, tendering, contracts, operating and maintaining projects.