Andrés Rebollo
Andrés has 18+ years of experience working in the field of PPP and Infrastructure finance and now acts as independent senior advisor to investors and governments. Previous positions of Andrés include Partner head of Infrastructure & PPPs at Deloitte (the past 6 years), founder partner of Adeinfra (PPP boutique acquired by Deloitte in 2008) and Director of PPP practice at PwC.
Andrés has lead more than 50 PPP and infrastructure advisory contracts, majority of them in transportation sector plus a relevant number of them in Social Infrastructure and water. This includes more than 40 PPPs structured for authority (acting as procurement advisor) or advised to bidder/investor in countries as US, México, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, Malaysia and Spain.
Some remarkable successful projects (already in operations) include
- i-595 and Miami Port Tunnel (Florida),
- Zaragoza and Tenerife LRTs (Spain),
- the HSR PPP program in Spain,
- Tapachula Ciudad Hidalgo road PPP (México).
Andrés has acted also as advisor of the design and creation of the Spanish public infrastructure fund managed by ICO and as senior advisor to the fund in its 4 first materialised transactions.
Director and main lecturer of several PPP courses and capacitation projects, Andrés is also main author of several publications and white books for WB, IDB and government of Spain and author of several articles in specialised press and general economic press.