The third and final exam within APMG’s PPP Certification Program will be available soon. The Foundation and Preparation exams are already available, giving individuals the opportunity to demonstrate, through passing the Foundation exam, that they have a good knowledge of the PPP process and terminology as described in chapter 1 of the PPP Certification Guide. Individuals who have gone on to pass the Preparation exam have demonstrated an understanding of how to apply and tailor processes, roles and responsibilities to determine how the government selects implements and manages PPP projects, as described in chapters 2 to 5 of the PPP Guide.
The purpose of the Execution certification is to confirm whether the candidate has achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply the structuring & drafting process of PPP tender documents and the PPP contract, the tendering and awarding of PPP contracts, and the management of PPP contracts during the Construction and Operations Phases.
The Execution exam will be based on chapters 5 to 8 of the PPP Certification Guide and will have the same format as the Preparation exam. Therefore, the exam will be based on a fictional scenario, be 2½ hours in duration, will have 4 main questions each worth 20 marks and the pass mark will be 40 out of a possible 80 marks. As with the Preparation exam, candidates will be permitted to refer to the PPP Certification Guide during the examination.
All candidates must have already passed the Foundation exam to be eligible to sit the Execution exam. Candidates may wish to only take one of the two higher level exams (whichever is most relevant to their role), therefore it is not mandatory to have passed both the Foundation and Preparation exams before taking the Execution exam. However, to get a holistic understanding of the PPP process cycle, we recommend that all three exams are taken.
The target audience for the Execution exam is individuals who are involved in the structuring & tendering of PPP projects, and the management of PPP contracts. This will mostly be public sector officials and practitioners and their advisors and consultants. However, individuals from the private sector will also be interested.
Candidates will, once again, have the option of downloading the PPP Guide for free and studying chapters 5 to 8 in preparation for taking the exam online directly with APMG. Alternatively, our existing network of Accredited Training Organisations will be adding this course to their portfolio and will offer the Execution training course and exams to individuals around the world. The recommendation course duration is 5 days, but please check the full details with the course provider before booking.
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