The much-awaited Preparation exam for APMG’s PPP Certification Program was launched today at the Regional Round Tables on Infrastructure Governance, in Cape Town, South Africa.
The Preparation exam is the first of the two higher level exams which enables PPP practitioners to demonstrate a higher level of understanding and experience in the field of PPPs. APMG’s PPP Certification Programme aims to strengthen PPP best practice through a global standard of knowledge. After passing the Foundation level exam, candidates can study further by taking the Preparation exam or the Execution exam which is due to be launched in 2018. Candidates that pass all three examinations will be entitled to use the Certified Public-Private Partnerships Professional (CP3P) credential.
About the Preparation exam
The Preparation exam is based on chapters 2 to 5 of the PPP Certification Guide and will test a candidate’s understanding of the PPP framework and application on PPP Project Identification, Screening, Appraisal and Preparation Processes in a given governmental context.
The exam is based on a fictional infrastructure PPP scenario and candidates will be required to apply their knowledge of the PPP Guide to the given situation. Candidates will be tested by a 2.5 hour complex multiple-choice exam with a pass mark of 50%. A pass on the Foundation exam is a prerequisite for the Preparation exam. A sample exam paper will be provided to candidates that register to take this exam.
Target audience for the Preparation exam
This exam is suitable for those involved in the development or implementation of Public-Private Partnership frameworks or the initiation and preparation of PPP projects. Public sector officials and PPP practitioners, as well as their advisors and consultants will find the exam beneficial to enhance their delivery of PPPs.
The private sector will also have an interest in this certification to better understand the PPP concept as an asset/business opportunity, government objectives and institutional arrangements.
Getting certified
Candidates will be able to take the exam at the end of an accredited training course via APMG’s network of Accredited training organisations (ATOs). A training course is typically five days long and includes time for candidates to sit the Preparation exam.
Candidates can also self -study by downloading chapters 2 to 5 of the PPP Guide prior to taking the Preparation exam.
The other higher-level exam of the Certification Program, Execution, is due to be launched in 2018. Candidates who successfully pass all three exams will be awarded the CP3P credential.
For more information contact the APMG PPP team via email partnerships@apmg-international.com or visit www.ppp-certification.com
About APMG International
APMG International is an award-winning, global examination institute that offers a broad portfolio of professional certifications for knowledge-based workers. APMG certifications are designed to provide professional career development for individuals, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, tools and techniques to help them and their organizations perform more effectively.
In addition, APMG provides accreditation services for individuals and organisations around the world that provide high quality training and consultancy services in support of our certifications.
Committed to quality, APMG’s certification and accreditation processes are developed and managed in accordance with a robust quality management system accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). www.apmg-international.com