• News
    Tuesday 10/03/2020

    CP3P Exams Now Available in Chinese

    Since 1990 China has committed $193,701 billion to PPPs and has 1,655 projects reaching financial closure. PPPs in China are amongst the most ambitious in the world, enabling the successful delivery of complex projects inluding Guangzhou-Shenzhen Superhighway, Zhangzhou Houshi Power Plant and the Hangzhou - Shaoxing - Taizhou Railway.  To support Chinese PPP practitioners and help them to foster a common level of knowledge, the PPP Guide, which is the body of knowledge for the APMG... READ MORE
  • News
    Monday 02/03/2020

    Indonesian Government uses CP3P as best practice for delivering PPPs

    Imad Fakhoury, the Director of Infrastructure Finance, PPPs & Guarantees Global Practice at the World Bank gave a video statement congratulating to the IIGF Institute for becoming the first government entity to be an accredited training organisation.   Here's the full transcript:   We are part of the bank that along with other multilateral development bank partners, PPIAF and APMG have worked to develop the CP3P certification.   I want to heartily congratulate the IIGF Institute as it... READ MORE
  • News
    Friday 04/10/2019

    PPP Guide Translated into Chinese

    The PPP Guide, a free downloadable resource to help candidates prepare for the PPP Certification Program, has been fully translated to Chinese. Chapter 6: Tendering and Awarding the contract, Chapter 7: Strategy, Delivery and Commissioning and Chapter 8: Operation and Feedback are the final chapters to be translated making the PPP Guide fully available in Chinese.   The vision of the APMG Certification Program and PPP Guide is to foster a common minimum level of knowledge and understanding,... READ MORE
  • News
    Monday 15/07/2019

    CP3P - Celebrating Two Years and 4000 Certified PPP Professionals

    The Certified Public-Private Partnerships Professional (CP3P) program celebrates its second year by fulfilling its vision of fostering a common minimum level of knowledge and understanding, plus provide certification for practitioners engaged in PPPs.   Since the inauguration of the scheme in June 2017 over 4000 candidates from 125 countries have taken an APMG PPP Certification Program exam. One of the main goals of the program is to share best practice knowledge and make it freely available to... READ MORE
  • News
    Tuesday 11/06/2019

    PPP Certification Program Sada Dostupan na Srpskom Jeziku

    Zahvaljujući podršci Švajcarskog državnog sekretarijata za ekonomske poslove (SECO), APMG International sa zadovoljstvom objavljuje da je Osnovni nivo JPP Vodiča, obuka i polaganje ispita sada dostupan na srpskom jeziku,. Vodič za JPP je besplatan resurs koji se može preuzeti kako bi se pomoglo kandidatima da se pripreme za JPP sertifikacioni program. Verzija na srpskom jeziku promovisana je na današnjoj drugoj (2.) konferenciji za Javno Privatno Partnerstvo u Beogradu https://www.... READ MORE
  • News
    Wednesday 05/06/2019

    PPP Certification Program now Available in Serbian

    APMG International is pleased to announce that Foundation Level PPP Guide, Training, and Exam taking is now available in Serbian, thanks to the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) support. The PPP Guide is a FREE downloadable resource to help candidates prepare for the PPP Certification Program. The version in Serbian has been promoted at the today’s 2nd Serbian Public Private Partnership Conference in Belgrade https://www.pppconference.rs The Serbian language translation was... READ MORE
  • News
    Tuesday 12/02/2019

    Chapter 1 of the PPP Guide and Foundation Exam available in Brazilian Portuguese

    The sixth language translation of the APMG Certified Public-Private Partnerships has arrived. Brazilian Portuguese is the latest translation to be added to the rapidly growing CP3P program which has certified almost 3000 professionals in over 100 countries. The translation has been curated and approved by the InterAmerican Development Bank, as a part of the Bank’s effort to support the implementation of effective PPPs in Latin America. “The certification program is one of the most disruptive... READ MORE
  • News
    Wednesday 30/01/2019

    First CP3P Foundation Course in the Netherlands

    The Netherlands Taskforce Financing International Water Centre (TF IWC) finished its first CP3P Foundation course, delivered by Marcel van de Broeke on behalf of  K-Infra at the beginning of December 2018. The 12 participants successfully took the exam, with an average score of 88%, the best scores of a group of candidates trained by K-Infra. With even one colleague achieving a 100% score. The unanimous reaction was; this is an excellent course because we now understand all aspects of PPP and... READ MORE
  • News
    Friday 25/01/2019

    Программа сертификации ГЧП теперь доступна на русском языке

    Компания APMG International и Международная Финансовая Корпорация (МФК) рады сообщить о том, что первый том Руководства по Государственно-частному партнерству (ГЧП) и иные материалы для подготовки и сдачи экзамена по Основам ГЧП теперь доступны на русском языке благодаря поддержке Швейцарского Государственного секретариата по экономическим вопросам (SECO). Руководство по ГЧП является БЕСПЛАТНЫМ ресурсом, размещенным олнайн и доступным для загрузки дляс целью помощи кандидатам, готовящимся к... READ MORE
  • News
    Friday 25/01/2019

    PPP Certification Program now Available in Russian

    APMG International and IFC are pleased to announce that Foundation Level PPP Guide, training, and exam is now available in Russian, thanks to the support of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). The PPP Guide is a FREE downloadable resource to help candidates prepare for the PPP Certification Program.  “The Russian language translation was organised by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, with the support of SECO” said Georgi Petrov, IFC PPP Transaction Advisory Manager... READ MORE