Blog postsTuesday 05/04/2016
The Pitfalls of PPPs and how to conquer them - by Irina Unkovski
In a PPP project the public sector invites the private sector, via a bidding process, to design, build, finance and operate an asset in order to provide a service to or on behalf of the public sector. In addition, the project must be affordable, provide value for money, and obtain optimal risk transfer between the public and private sectors. The payment for this service can either come directly from the public sector (government) or from the end users (general public). Examples of government-... READ MORE -
Blog postsWednesday 27/01/2016
MDB Showcase: Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
IsDB is one of the Multi-National Development Banks (MDB) supporting the APMG Public-Private Partnerships Certification Program, as well as a major contributor to the PPP Certification Program Guide. We speak with IsDB's Fida Rana, from its Public Private Partnership Division to discuss its involvement in the APMG PPP Certification Program. What is IsDB’s history with PPPs? IsDB has supported PPP projects in its 56 member countries across various sectors such as transport (sea port, toll... READ MORE -
Blog postsWednesday 27/01/2016
MDB Showcase: The European Bank for Reconstruction (EBRD)
When it was set up in 1991, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was mandated to help former Soviet and former socialist countries open up to market-based economies. The goal is also reflected in our name — reconstruction and development after the damage inflicted by decades of rigid central planning. Infrastructure is key to that reconstruction and development as well as to a transition towards a better economic future. At the same time the widening infrastructure gap... READ MORE -
Blog postsWednesday 27/01/2016
PPIAF: Supporting the APMG PPP Certification Program
PPIAF (The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) is a multi-donor technical assistance facility managed, staffed and housed by the World Bank Group in the Public-Private Partnership Cross Cutting Solution Area (PPP CCSA). Established in 1999, PPIAF provides technical assistance grants to developing countries’ governments to create enabling environments for private investment in infrastructure. PPIAF has 15 contributing donors. Fiscal Year 2015 (July 2014 – June 2015) brought... READ MORE -
NewsWednesday 27/01/2016
Introducing the APMG Public-Private-Partnerships Certification Program – with APMG CEO, Richard Pharro
On behalf of APM Group I’d like to share my excitement for the upcoming PPP Certification Program which is scheduled to be available early next year. The certification results from the hard work of several Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) across the globe - the World Bank Group (WBG), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Inter-American Development (IAD), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and is part funded by the Public Private... READ MORE -
Blog postsWednesday 20/01/2016
Win or lose? Who bears the benefits and costs of PPPs?
Late last year I was teaching a course on infrastructure finance, in a highly regarded University in Brazil and one of the students asked me, without context: “how to bring losers on board of a Public-Private Partnership project?” It was a good question, particularly because it shed light on a very relevant aspect of PPP projects, one which the professional community discusses less than it should: There can be losers! For example, entire communities can lose their houses due to the flooding of... READ MORE -
Blog postsWednesday 20/01/2016
Importance of contract management in PPPs
Infrastructure has finally made it to the top of political agenda following many years of neglect and decades of improper planning. Many business leaders are of the opinion that inadequate infrastructure will negatively impact their companies’ long-term growth and the decision of where to do business will be influenced by surrounding and available infrastructure. Government frontrunners are saying that developing countries need new infrastructure, while developed countries need rebuilt... READ MORE -
Blog postsWednesday 20/01/2016
Simplicity at its best - good contract management is key
The need for resilient, sustainable and new infrastructure is on the rise globally. Executives around the world are concerned about the adequacy and existence of infrastructure. Availability of infrastructure is a critical issue for business as it impacts on operating costs and it becomes a major factor in strategic planning and decision making. The long term outlook for the businesses does not look bright as 77% of the surveyed participants by the Economics Intelligence Unit on behalf of KPMG... READ MORE -
NewsWednesday 02/09/2015
Helping governments act upon advice they seek
This article was first featured on the World Bank Group's Public-Private Partnerships Blog. “What is different now?” This question echoed through my head during my recent morning runs along the beautiful Ishim River in Astana, Kazakhstan. I was in Astana on mission to launch the new technical assistance program for Kazakhstan’s PPP policy reform, which addresses bottlenecks that constrain project structuring. This reform is especially important if the country’s Almaty Ring Road PPP is to be... READ MORE -
Blog postsThursday 11/06/2015
Partnership formed between World Bank Group and APMG
It's a momentous occasion for us at APMG – we've recently established a partnership with the World Bank Group (WBG) to create a new certification program for people working with Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). WGB’s the world’s largest development bank. Its objective is to reduce poverty in poorer countries. It has created a multi-module PPP Certification Program to address the pressing need for governments to utilize effective PPPs.Growing populations and aging infrastructure are straining... READ MORE