Blog postsThursday 22/03/2018
The journey of a PPP professional - Q&A with Matthew Perna
Matthew Perna is a PPP practitioner and one of our first successful APMG PPP Certification Program’s Preparation Exam candidate. We caught up with Matthew Perna to understand his PPP journey and how the PPP Certification Program adds value to his career. Matthew Perna is currently the president of Primer Construction Corp - a general contractor, constructing government projects in the NYC area, and Primer Construction Management Corp, which provides PPP consulting services, including... READ MORE -
NewsTuesday 13/03/2018
APMG PPP Guide now in Chinese
The PPP Certification Guide, a key reading material for APMG’s PPP Certification Program, is now available in Chinese. The PPP Guide is already available in Latin-American Spanish and English. Candidates can download this PPP Guide by clicking on the ‘Download PPP GUIDE for FREE’ button on the PPP certification website. To access the chapter 1 of the PPP Guide in Chinese click here. This PPP Guide is a FREE downloadable resource to help candidates prepare for the PPP Certification Program. Two... READ MORE -
NewsMonday 15/01/2018
APMG PPP Guide now in Spanish
The PPP Certification Guide, a key reading material for APMG’s PPP Certification Program is now available in Spanish and in English. Candidates can download this PPP Guide by clicking on the ‘Download PPP GUIDE for FREE’ button on the PPP certification website. This PPP Guide is a FREE downloadable resource to help candidates prepare for the PPP Certification Program. Two levels of the this three-tiered program are now released, Foundation and Preparation. Candidates can self-study for this... READ MORE -
NewsThursday 02/11/2017
Preparation exam for APMG’s Public- Private Partnership (PPP) Certification Program launched
The much-awaited Preparation exam for APMG’s PPP Certification Program was launched today at the Regional Round Tables on Infrastructure Governance, in Cape Town, South Africa. The Preparation exam is the first of the two higher level exams which enables PPP practitioners to demonstrate a higher level of understanding and experience in the field of PPPs. APMG’s PPP Certification Programme aims to strengthen PPP best practice through a global standard of knowledge. After passing the Foundation... READ MORE -
NewsWednesday 01/11/2017
MOU signed between World Bank Group and CPPPC concerning PPP Certification Program in China
It was announced today at the 3rd China PPP Financing Forum that World Bank Group (WBG) and China Public Private Partnerships Centre (CPPPC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) stating that both parties will work together regarding PPPs and promoting APMGs PPP Certification Program CP3P in China. CPPPC will be responsible for the policy research, consultancy and training, capacity building, financial support and informational cooperation related to public-private partnerships (PPPs).... READ MORE -
Blog postsTuesday 17/10/2017
PPPs on the African Continent
A significant number of government and business leaders across Africa have come to accept the benefits of Public Private Partnerships as a strategic option, an alternative procurement and financial structuring methodology. An increasing number of African countries are developing PPP policies supported by a PPP framework that typically reflects on the required institutions, procedures, and rules stating how PPPs will be implemented in that country. PPP Units are being established whilst staff... READ MORE -
Blog postsMonday 18/09/2017
Aligning the public-private knowledge asymmetry for successful partnerships
The universal discourse around the issue of infrastructure deficit within Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDE) has gained considerable traction, particularly over the last few decades. The ability to attract financial investments in developing economies, and particularly in Africa, has proved daunting mainly as a result of insufficient infrastructure. However, infrastructure in itself is an investment which has equally proved daunting for governments in such countries to undertake,... READ MORE -
Blog postsFriday 15/09/2017
PPP or not PPP, that is the question?
The problem with any new or rebranded methodology is that every consultancy rebadges its consultants to demonstrate they have significant track record in this particular discipline and are therefore should be the advisor of choice when you want to access the professional skills. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) was one such methodology, I remember having to sit through a seminar at a large global consultancy where the new BPR methodology was explained, and I was told how all my previous... READ MORE -
Blog postsFriday 15/09/2017
Direct Procurement - opportunities for partnership schemes in the regulated UK water sector
‘Direct procurement for customers’ (direct procurement for short) is a new delivery model for the regulated UK water sector, proposed by Ofwat (the UK water sector economic regulator) in December 2015[i]. Similar to PPP/P3, direct procurement is expected to drive value for customers by encouraging more competition in the sector, particularly in the financing and operation of water assets. Given this, water companies can apply existing frameworks such as the World Bank PPP/P3 methodology and the... READ MORE -
Blog postsFriday 15/09/2017
The CP3P Certification Program; first time in Lesotho (SA)
The Foundation level training, aimed at candidates from public sector institutions in Lesotho, was delivered in Maseru by Training Byte Size, an accredited training provider. Candidates from ministries and municipalities with a mixed skill set and experience level in delivering PPPs attended the course. Due to the various levels of understanding of the topic, the course is structured in such way that provided sufficient detail and understanding for the beginner level and also served as a... READ MORE