• Romanian PPP Guide
  • PPP Expertise Eurasia
    An assured provider of exceptional service This organization has been accredited by APMG – benchmarked against exacting standards. See this organization’s contact details and service offerings below to make use of its exceptional services straight away.
  • Body of Knowledge:
    Structuring and Drafting the Tender and Contract
    Appendix A– Description of Main Risks in a PPP and its Potential Allocation
    [25] Section 7.5 ("Calibration") of the Standardization of PFI Contracts guide (HM Treasury UK, 2007) provides useful information and advice on this matter...
  • Building APMG Certified PPP Professionals (CP3P) in Korea
    This event is now closed. Read the event's roundup here.  For more information about the APMG Public-Private Partnerships Certification Program and how to book an exam, please visit https://ppp-certification.com/book-your-exam or email us at partnerships@apmg-international.com.  
  • PPP Complementary schemes
  • Radar PPP
    An assured provider of exceptional service This organization has been accredited by APMG – benchmarked against exacting standards.
  • Tải xuống Hướng dẫn Chứng nhận PPP
  • PPP Americas event - SantIago, Chile
    This event is now closed. Please look out for updates from this event which will be available here soon. For more information about the APMG Public-Private Partnerships Certification Program and how to book an exam, please visit https://ppp-certification.com/book-your-exam or email us at ...
  • Descargue la versión en español de la "PPP Guide" abajo.
  • Advocates
    SOURCE, as the multilateral platform for quality infrastructure, is aligned with the APMG PPP Guide gateway approach on project preparation, facilitating public agencies to take sound decisions and better allocation of resources. The standardized templates available on SOURCE include the APMG...
  • Body of Knowledge:
    Structuring and Drafting the Tender and Contract
    2. Overview of the Structuring Phase
    FIGURE 5.3: Structuring and Drafting Process   Note: RFP= request for proposal; RFQ= request for qualification. The main work developed in this phase is the structuring of the contract and the tender process itself, followed by the detailing of the structure and technical terms in a clear and...
  • Body of Knowledge:
    Appraising PPP Projects
    16.2 Assessing Value for Money
    The VfM analysis compares the relative merits of PPP procurement against one or more other procurement routes, usually traditional public finance. This can be done using quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, or both. Some frameworks focus on quantitative analysis, requiring a comparison of...
  • Media:
    Blog posts
    MDB Showcase: Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
    IsDB is one of the Multi-National Development Banks (MDB) supporting the APMG Public-Private Partnerships Certification Program, as well as a major contributor to the PPP Certification Program Guide. We speak with IsDB's Fida Rana, from its Public Private Partnership Division to discuss its...
  • Book your exam
    Video of Booking an Online Exam with APMG International Foundation Exam The Foundation certification is designed to measure whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the PPP Guide to act as an informed team member of a PPP finance project.  This exam is aimed at...
  • Body of Knowledge:
    PPP Introduction and Overview
    7.2. Financial Structure: Categories, Instruments and Sources (fund suppliers) — Financial Strategy of the Sponsor/Private Partner [81]
    7.2.1. Sources of Funds The two main types of funds raised by a project company, as in any corporate finance structure, are debt and equity. Debt may be in the form of loans or bonds. Equity may be take the form of pure equity or capital shares, and quasi-equity products (junior or subordinated...
  • Body of Knowledge:
    Operations and Handback
    3. Contract Management and Administrative Process
    3.1. Introduction to Contract Management during the Operations Phase During the Operations Phase, key activities that must be included in managing the PPP contract are: monitoring and managing project delivery and performance against service outputs; monitoring and managing changes; managing...
  • K-infra
    An assured provider of exceptional service This organization has been accredited by APMG – benchmarked against exacting standards. About K-Infra K-Infra is an organization created in 2016 dedicated 100% to the PPP field. A boutique specialized in PPP training, capacity building and consulting with...
  • Body of Knowledge:
    Strategy Delivery and Commissioning
    4.1. Governance and Contract Management Team Establishment
    From a practical perspective, the Value for Money generated through a PPP depends on the quality of the private partner and the government’s contract management systems and teams. This is especially true for PPP contracts that have some form of risk retention on the part of the government, be it in...
  • Body of Knowledge:
    Establishing a PPP Framework
    1.8.6 Controlling Aggregate Fiscal Exposure to PPPs
    In addition to considering fiscal exposure on a project-by-project basis, some governments introduce targets or rules limiting aggregate exposure. Given the difficulties in deciding whether a particular PPP commitment is affordable, limits on aggregate exposure can be a helpful way to ensure the...
  • Body of Knowledge:
    Appendix Bid Preparation and Submittal the private sector perspective
    6.1 Introduction and Purpose
    This section describes the approach taken by the private party in a PPP project. The private party is the private sector entity that is successful in securing the right to implement and operate the procuring authority’s PPP project. A variety of names may be used to describe this private party....