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As with assessment of qualifications, proposals must be evaluated in accordance with the criteria set out in the RFP. In this sense, there will be an important difference in terms of process between price-only evaluation and a combination of quality and price criteria. The latter is clearly more complex, and the discussion below focuses on this approach.

The information contained in this section is applicable to any process type, including dialogue and interaction processes.

As noted in section 3, evaluating PPP bids is a more complex matter than evaluating conventional contracts, and the risks of non-compliant bids and of challenges to the process are accentuated in PPPs. The main corrective factors for these risks are having clear rules for evaluation and robust evaluation decision-making processes. It is paramount to engage highly capable and experienced resources to carry these out.

It is also good practice to set up a practical guide or evaluation manual for the project to ensure consistency among different reviewers/evaluators, including that they understand any potentially unclear or ambiguous terms in the evaluation criteria.

A clear audit trail of all of the evaluation steps, discussions, and decisions should be maintained.

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