Our authoring team are all very experienced PPP professionals from around the world. The team has a diverse range of experience in PPPs, covering many global regions and with excellent networks in the public and private sectors. They have gone through a rigorous assessment process to be part of the team.

For more information about our authors, please click on their name below.

Mark Williams

Mark Williams, Director and Property & Infrastructure Lead at PA Consulting and member of CIPFA's Governments Faculty Board - specializes in providing financial and commercial advice on a range

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Joe Dalton

A water industry professional working for MWH Global with experience in water distribution management and optimization - particularly in regards to Non-Revenue Water (NRW), pressure management, Geo

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Elena Timusheva

Elena Timusheva is a PPP Certification program project coordinator responsible for facilitating business development and liaising MDBs’ efforts in developing and implementing this initiative.

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